Friday, May 6, 2011

New Music Business Model

I recently had the chance to revisit a book that I have not picked up in some time called "The Future of Music" by authors David Kusek and Gerd Leonhard. This publication is a must have in any music fan or industry professional's arsenal as the content within it's binding resonates with anyone who has any one or part of the following:Ringtone on their mobile phone or device computer laptop mp3 Xbox PS3  iPod, phone,touch, pad, etc. The concept of unlimited content flowing into your home like a utility is certainly not new but it begs the question as to why the music industry is still so slow to make the necessary changes and advancements in an effort to swing the business into a position where it will continue to survive. Recent events...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

And In The Distance, Was A Rumble - Top Ten Bassist of All Time

The Rolling Stone “Top Something or Other” lists…you’ve got to love them. Those classic lists that rank various things like best songs of all time, best guitarists of all time, etc etc. Well, Rolling Stone just put out its list for the Top Ten Bassists of All Time, and though it may be different because it is reader voted, it is still just another “top-something list” by Rolling Stone. Just trying to rank people on skills that are almost impossible to rank when the context of the whole band is taken into account, and all the other factors that go into it aren’t ignored, and when historical relevancy is rarely taken into account and…hold on, did they put John Entwistle as number one? They did? Really?! Nice! Yeah, great list Rolling Stone! Who...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Plectrum's Singer Songwriter Series (SSS) debutes at Church of Boston

Live tonight from CHURCH at 69 Kilmarnock Street, Boston, MA Plectrum will present three Singer-Songwriters in the round style (think VH1 Storytellers or MTV unplugged) This event is 21+, $8 cover, and FREE parking behind the club! Featuring: -Jason Labbe -Rick Gottlieb -Greg Loftus Bands from 9:20pm - Midnight Featuring: 9:20 - Garlic & Moonshine 10:20 - Tsunami of Sound 11:20 - JVD and The Backporch Smok...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Silent Auction for Red Sox-Mariners Tickets on 4/29/2011

Want Red Sox tickets and an opportunity to donate to disaster relief in Japan? Plectrum Entertainment has a silent auction currently running for two tickets for the Red Sox - Mariners game Friday April 29, 2011 at 7:30 PM at Fenway Park in Boston. Seats are Sec 22-F47, seats G4 and G5, behind home plate, with a face value of $130 each. Send an email to, subject line "Red Sox Tickets" with your bid. Auction will end at 6PM EST on Wednesday, April 27, 2011. The highest bid (and earliest in case of a tie) will win. Payment must be made via Paypal immediately upon notification (instructions will be provided to the winner via email), because arrangements will need to be made to get you the tickets the next day. The full amount of the winning bid will be donated...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Let Down

Don't get always ends up drivel.the following original thoughts by bobby murphy  In light of my most recent entry about cover wars, I decided to dig up this short piece that I threw together one lazy afternoon while listening to the Easy Star All-Stars' collaboration album, Radiodread.  Falling between Dub Side of the Moon and Easy Star's Lonely Hearts Dub Band, this work brings together the widest range of talent to pay tribute to one of the most significant steps forward by a band in my lifetime: Radiohead's creation of OK Computer.  To make an album of this magnitude immediately following something as straight forward as The Bends was the turning point of Radiohead's career, and a golden ticket...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

You are in a band....AWESOME! Now get out there and be heard!

You are in a band and you want to make something of it. You wish to make music your whole life and live off doing it. Sounds like your ready to become an entrepreneur and start your own business doesn’t it? Well, it should sound like that because that is exactly what you are doing! As any business that operates in this new digital world promotion and advertising is an absolute must after all no one is going to spend money on your product unless you let them know you have it available for sale. Additionally, consumers purchase products from people and businesses they know and have positive report/relationships with. Being in a band and making music is no different. Bands and artists need to realize that in order to create your fan base (something...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cover Wars

Here we sit, just hours away from the NCAA Championship game between UConn and Butler, the two unsuspecting teams that emerged from this series of upsets and early farewells that we call March Madness. I was lucky enough to have Kentucky and UConn as my picks for the East and West, helping me to win my pool days before the final four was even underway. But alas, here is where I admit to knowing nothing about college basketball. Not even nothing; LESS than nothing. But that's the beauty of March Madness: it's possible for someone like me to be triumphant from literally only knowing the bare minimum, i.e. a number one seed is good and a number sixteen seed is not-so-good. From there it's a crapshoot guessing game, and a fun one at that. But...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Phish: The Ultimate Experience B(r)and

I’m sure there are more than a few Phish fans out there that would be outraged for me to associate Phish with brands and business, but I’m going to do it anyway. Because I, myself, am a huge Phish fan, and I guess I can be considered to be pretty businessey as well (that’s totally a word, look it up…well, no, don’t). And to be quite honest, Phish is the definition of an experience brand, at least in how it relates to music and live entertainment. And when you think of what they’ve accomplished in their 20 plus year career, it’s really quite amazing. They have never had a number one single, they’ve never had a hit music video on MTV, and they have never ever been played on Mix 94.5, or most radio stations for that matter. Yet they can still...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Alice Cooper I have been a huge fan of all things music for as long as I can remember. Alice Cooper is one of those iconic figures that have been to hell and back overcoming many trials and tribulations of demons throughout his career. Unlike so many other rockstars, he is still ticking and still touring? Known for his theatrical style and often times bizarre behavior, Alice paved the way for many other acts to follow. What I cannot grasp my head around are a few things: 1) how is he not dead yet….simple! He took like a few years off to chill out and play golf. Do not know about you but if I was on the golf course and saw this guy heading down the fairway, I would grab my ball put it in my pocket and go the fuck home! Seriously, I do not...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Who's currently on tour and what are the average ticket prepared to suck you wallet dry!

Keep in mind folks these are the average! Tickets are going for much more. Stay tuned for more comments about some of the acts listed. This is going to be fun :-) Aerosmith Pop / Rock $91.56 Alicia Keys RB / Soul $78.74 André Rieu Classical $78.39 The Allman Brothers Band Pop / Rock $71.71 A.R. Rahman World $67.83 Aventura Latin $59.92 "America's Got Talent" Fair / Festival $59.72 Al Jarreau Pop / Rock $59.10 Alejandro Fernandez Latin $56.81 Anthony Bourdain Lecture $55.51 Alan Jackson Country $53.63 Al Green Pop / Rock $51.67 America Pop / Rock $49.96 Alice Cooper Pop / Rock $46.20 Amy Grant Christian $45.81 "American Idols Live" Fair / Festival $45.07 Arcade Fire Pop / Rock $42.87 ASIA All Four Original...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thinking of a music Startup? Do your homework and prepare to be shocked

Below is an article I read today on Digital Music I found it very interesting and insightful! As someone who has been in the music business for a decade plus it never ceases to amaze me how quickly the business changes and the instant affects those transformations have on businesses of all sizes that operate within our field. Many people have asked me should I start up my own record label, publishing house, or recording studio, and I always say you have to do your homework and research. The aspiring entrepreneur cannot just jump into bed with the first idea that comes across their mind (even if it’s a born and raised musical thoroughbred) who is championing for the coveted six figure plus multi-album record deal…those days are dead and gone unless you are already a star and making...

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Vibes Are Being Gathered

The Gathering of the Vibes lineup has been announced, and I've got to say, I'm kind of sad that I didn't put any thought or effort at all into trying to go to it. Like, if I even thought once over the past few months, "Hey, maybe I should look into going to the Gathering of the Vibes this year"...or even "Hey, the Gathering of the Vibes is, in fact, happening this year"...then I would be much happier than I am right now. John Butler Trio, Taj Mahal, Elvis Costello, Jane's Addiction (??), Further and .moe are all parts of this festival, and also happen to contribute to all things good in music. Which I support. Also on the bill are Dark Star Orchestra, Levon Helm, and The McLovins. Gotta love a band that is young enough to name itself after Superbad, and also, they're dirty...(check them...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"To Suck It And See"...?

That's not a come on...nor is it the name of a questionably legal "spa"in the sketchy part of town. "To Suck It And See" is the name of the new Arctic Monkeys album that's going to be released on June 7th, 2011. Arctic Monkeys just revealed the release date, and the fact that they are making a new album, AND the new single, "Brick by Brick", in a very under-the-radar-but-still-cool-because-its-underground-and-sticks-to-their-roots kind of way. I love when new albums come out. I get really excited for a long time until it comes out, then I listen to it, and am usually disappointed for a while. But then I listen to it more, and start to like it, and validate my pre-release excitement. It's a really bad way to listen to new music, I know, but it works for me. But the thing that has me most...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Live Nation, Entertainment, and Charlie Sheen Oh My!

What is this world coming too? The current move by Live Nation to strike a deal with Charlie Sheen has me pondering. Is this a brilliant move to capitalize on what could translate into millions of dollars in revenue, or is the largest live music promoter in the country taking so much of a hit financially that they are desperate to find anyway to make money. I think the answer is somewhere in the middle. Charlie Sheen is a very interesting “basket case” who continues to somehow capture our attention and infiltrate our daily lives like an infectious disease. Who is “crazier”…Live Nation or Charlie? No doubt, LN will make a large profit on the exploitation of Charlie’s over the top behavior however; they really have only a narrow window of opportunity. History has shown us Charlie’s radically...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Live Concert at Church Rock Club 3-02-11

Everyone at Plectrum Entertainment and Citywide Blackout are excited to be able to present Gravitas, Hadrian's Heroes, Matt Koelsch & The Allies, and Patrick Coman at the Church Rock Club this Wednesday. This is not to be missed! -Great Bands -Low Cover ($7) - Fantastic Food - Superb Sound - Drink Specials - FREE PARKING!! in the back - Network with local bands, Citywide Blackout, and us Check out more info here: www.citywideblackout.blogspot....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Check out music from Plectrum Entertainment


Check out music from Plectrum Entertainment


Friday, February 4, 2011

Sonicbids Now Making a Serious Move Into Facebook...

As reported by Digital Music News on Thursday, January 27, 2011. So who's the latest to dive into Facebook? That would be Sonicbids, a company that is about to announce a serious expansion into the network. This is an involved artist profile builder that further broadens the Sonicbids model beyond live performances. Members are getting notified later today. "We realized that we were helping people get gigs but not cultivating their audiences," Sonicbids founder Panos Panay told Digital Music News at Midem this week. "We needed to do more." That was the impetus behind the recent acquisition of ArtistData, and now, the push into Facebook. And, at first blush, this looks pretty slick. At the onset, bands can quickly get started by linking their Sonicbids and Facebook accounts, then...

Monday, January 31, 2011

2011 Rockstar Mayhem Festival

Over here at Plectrum, we take pride in saying that we do not just focus on one particular genre of music. WE LOVE THEM ALL whether we want to believe it or not. You may not like to listen to the latest Usher, Eminem, or Katie Perry release but you admit (albeit secretly to yourself) and sometimes even aloud to yourself while standing in the mirror with a comb in your hand that each of these over the top production value artists do have a catchy quality that makes you want to tap your toes, smack your thighs, and throw your hands up and shout. All of those examples are of similar yet different artists. It might even make sense to throw them all on a lineup together and tour them around the U.S. However, the men and wo(men) behind the scenes of this year’s Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival...

"Cornerstone" - reviewed by The Noise Magazine

Jamie Alimorad's debut EP “Cornerstone” has been reviewed in the The Noise magazine (February issue #308) which is available now throughout the city of Boston as well as metro-Boston area Newbury Comics locations. The monthly magazine is free, and chalk full of music and entertainment related happenings going on right in your own back yard. Pick up your copy today and if you get the chance check out Jamie Alimorad’s “Cornerstone” now available on iTunes, emusic, Unheard Radio, Bandcamp, Nimbit, and CD Ba...

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