You are in a band and you want to make something of it. You wish to make music your whole life and live off doing it. Sounds like your ready to become an entrepreneur and start your own business doesn’t it? Well, it should sound like that because that is exactly what you are doing! As any business that operates in this new digital world promotion and advertising is an absolute must after all no one is going to spend money on your product unless you let them know you have it available for sale. Additionally, consumers purchase products from people and businesses they know and have positive report/relationships with. Being in a band and making music is no different.
Bands and artists need to realize that in order to create your fan base (something outside your friends, family, and co-workers) you need to do what any business does and that is let your customers sample or have your product. Now a day nobody wants to pay for something that is unknown to him or her doing so would simply be too much of a risk. Most consumers are discreet discretionary spenders who are risk adverse.
As a musician, it makes no sense NOT to let people hear your music! Think about this for a moment...why did you join or create your band (besides the obvious to score girls and party like rock stars) you did so because you are passionate about the music you create and you want everyone to hear it. Music is not meant to be created and then to be shelved never to be listen too. The whole reason why you create music is to have it heard.
Therefore, there is millions of tracks out there free, and if yours isn’t one of them, then you are missing out on many opportunities to create connections with potential fans of that style. If you are not putting yourself out there how are you going to gain the attention of even a fraction of a percent of the millions of music consumers in the world? You need to be in the position of being upfront with your audience and potential market giving away your music, starting that relationship and growing it. Music fans really appreciate the fact that you have given them something and music nowadays is really based on relationships with your fans.
If they love it, chances are eventually they will reciprocate, either by paying for a ticket to come and see you live, or wanting to actually buy that piece of vinyl or CD rather than just the free download that you gave away to them. Think of your music as a business or calling car for your band or business. If a business owner who is just starting up and getting their name out there is out networking, do you think they are asking the other person for10, 20, or even 30 cents from every prospect they hand a business card too (of course not!) they give the card away free. As a musician, that is what your music is. You are not giving away the farm; you are making a long-term investment in the future of your band and establishing a long-term relationship with your fan base.
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